Find Your ICP in 5 Questions

Before you build a product you need to know who it's for.

It's important to understand your market and the needs of those potential customers.

Once you do you can build a persona of what the perfect customer would be for you.

This is known as an ICP or Ideal Customer Profile.

Once you have your ICP figured out, you start to create content that attracts them.

Eventually, that leads to making products that are a good fit to solve their problems.

So good that they feel silly saying no...

So how do we find our ICP?

Well there are a few questions you can ask yourself that will narrow down who you should serve...

Let's dive in...

1. What problems am I trying to solve

If you want to understand demand or necessity for a future product, you want to make sure you identify a core problem.

Make sure it is a real problem that your market needs solved.

Nothing worse than creating a product that no one wants or needs.

Market research helps out greatly here.

Hop on calls, do surveys, or even hold focus groups to find out what the market needs help with.

Use the data to find out:

  1. How bad your potential customers need a solution
  2. How much they are willing to pay.

2. Who is most affected by these problems?

Finding out who is most affected with these problems helps narrow down your target audience.

Also you'll be able to tailor your solutions to their specific needs.

Take into account their demographics and behaviors to see who could truly benefit from your solution.

Learn and understand how these problems impact their life or business on a daily basis.

Start creating content for those specific people and help them become aware that there is a solution... more specifically your solution.

3. Why do other solutions not work?

Your solution needs to be better in someway.

If you can find out why existing solutions fall short, you'll be able to identify gaps which leads to more opportunities.

This will also make your solution unique in the market.

Study what causes customer dissatisfaction with the current solutions and where you can come in and supply unmet demands.

Make sure your solution can addresses the short comings of current solutions so you can position yours as the better one.

4. What are the key behaviors of my potential customers?

Creating a solution that's aligned with with your audience's preference starts with understanding their behaviors.

You need to map out the customer journey from aware to purchase.

It requires a bit of research but once you have it, you can predict outcomes based on their decision-making process.

Also study the platforms and channels they like to use.

Become knowledge those in platforms so that you can reach and engage them easily.

5. What outcome are your customers looking for?

Any product you make needs to have your customer in mind.

These products need to have tangible benefits that meet their expectations.

Take into account their:

  • Goals
  • Aspirations
  • Idea of success

Create a compelling value proposition that let's your customers know exactly how your product will get them to their desired outcome.

Action Steps: Start asking yourself these questions to get a better sense of who you are serving. You'll get a better understanding of your customer's needs and build a product that addresses pain points and brings value.

Til next week,


When you are ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Profile Optimization Guide: An interactive checklist for your profile. Designed to help your profile stand out and grow faster. 70+ downloads
  2. 60-Minute Level Up: Join 15+ writers and creators. Learn how to use your content to monetize while building your audience.


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