How to Make Your First $100 Online

Published about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Today I want to share the exact blueprint I used to make my first sale online since going all in on Twitter.

This can be done for $0 with the right tools.

One thing you need to understand is that it's not instant.

It may take some testing and time.

Here's what I did:

Understood Pains through Conversation

I've have been solely focusing on Twitter the last 3 months.

In that time I've built a network and a very engaged audience.

I started sending DMs & asking questions on posts.

Usually I would ask "What's your biggest hurdle when it comes to Twitter?"

You can ask a similar question that applies to your industry or expertise.

The idea isn't to just sell, coach, or get them on a call.

You are using curiosity to gather data.

Created a Free Resource

Once I was clear on what the biggest, common hurdle creators were facing, I created a resource that:

  • Was easy to consume
  • Helped solve their problem
  • Had a low barrier to receive

My Profile Optimization Guide checked all the boxes making it the perfect resource to share in exchange for an email address.

The guide was made to help creators grow by making simple changes to their profile.

It was created in a Notion site so it could be interactive and serve as a checklist.

All you had to do is put your email address in and it was yours.

I used Convertkit to make this happen.

Generated Insane Traffic

I wanted to get as many eyes on my guide without spending any money.

The best way to do that on Twitter is to do a giveaway:

The result?

  • Nearly 40 + New followers
  • 100+ Newsletters subscribers
  • 100+ Downloads of my guide

Remember when I mentioned building my network earlier?

Well I leveraged it by asking several of my friends if they can repost the giveaway.

Friends like Ed Latimore (207k) were more than happy to share with their audience.

I did not pay for a single repost.

That's the power of a network.

A Welcome Sequence with Value

When people would sign up for my guide they were guided through a series of emails where I provided them with value as well as additional ways I could help them.

Here you want to gradually introduce your offer through a sequence of emails.

With ConvertKit you can create 1 sequence for free.

You can have a series of emails that span 5 - 7 days.

Don't complicate it.

A Simple Landing Page

I used Carrd to create a landing page that showcased 3 main things:

  1. The outcome of working with me
  2. Testimonials of past clients
  3. What's included in my offer
  4. Cost of getting started

If you know me you know I'm minimal when it comes to online.

My landing page is straight to the point and doesn't have fancy designs or lettering.


If someone wanted to work with me they could click 1 of 4 buttons on the page to proceed to payment.

I created a payment link with my Stripe account.

That link was connected to each button.

When payment was received it would take my client to a calendar and they would book a call.

From there it was a matter of delivering my service.

Now this blueprint assumes you have a good offer.

If you don't, I suggest making one using the data gathered from asking questions and have your resource focus on a smaller problem.

The resource can shed light on bigger problems that your offer can help with.

From there it's a matter of following the blueprint.

I launched my giveaway March 12th and made my first sale on the 19th.

When done correctly you can make a sale in as little as a week.

I want to challenge you to try it for yourself.

Til next week,


P.S. This blueprint is a preview of what I've taught my clients in my 1:1 Coaching Calls. Get the proven systems you need to create content that sells and grows your audience in 60 minutes.

Join 15+ creators & writers here.

When you are ready here are 3 ways I can help you:


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